Customer Testimonials

“A big shout out to Mike Maxim (845) 518-0272 for an amazing job on our driveway. After having several “no show” contractors, it was such a pleasure to have someone get it done in record time, give us a fair price and take pride in their work.”

— Carol Buck

“We would like to Thank Mike for putting a new roof on our house a few weeks ago. Mike was very professional, gave us a fair price and they had the new roof on in 3 days. We are very happy with the outcome. Thanks again! Bob & Gail”

— Gail Blanchard

“We had a water line burst in our house over night during the winter. Mike from Mountain Ridge came out to our house as soon as we called, with his only priority to help us in need - not money. Mountain Ridge Excavation truly cares about their customers and they will always be my first call!”

— Daniel Burdack